D 2011-08-01T11:51:04.737 L UnQL P 93d4be2776a6917ab8b58b626ef655df3671b95f U drh W 995 This website contains code and documentation for a prototype implementation of UnQL. To access the code: 1. [/login | Login as "anonymous"]. We require anonymous login to block spiders. 2. Visit the [/timeline | timeline] to see what has changed. You might want to [http://www.fossil-scm.org/download.html | Download] and [/doc/trunk/www/build.wiki | install] the [http://www.fossil-scm.org | Fossil DVCS] used by this project. After doing so, you can clone the repository and build the prototype as follows: 1. fossil clone http://unql.sqlite.org/fossil unql.fossil 2. fossil open unql.fossil 3. make The makefile works on linux and mac. There is nothing to stop you from building on windows as well, though you'll need to come up with your own makefile for that. (If you do so, please contribute it back to the project!) Links: * [UnQL Syntax Notes] * [/doc/tip/doc/syntax/all.wiki | Syntax Diagrams] Z 51a51efe866b3cb64205832b80570680